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  • Writer's pictureSarah Marshall

Progress Update: Expand Operating Suite Over Building 1, D-Wing - Durham VA Medical Center

In the recent months, MSK has made great progress on our project at the Durham, North Carolina VA Medical Center. The project is titled, ‘Expand Operating Suite Over Building 1, D-Wing’. The project consists of a structural addition which consist of adding 3 new floors to an existing two story building. The photos shown symbolize the completion of the new third floor structural elements and our move to begin forming the fourth floor deck, this is a huge milestone in the project and evidence of our continued progress. This is also a significant visual representation to various onlookers as a beacon of hope for a bright future at this medical center. This progress clearly communicates the upcoming benefit of this expansion to the Durham VAMC.

Our job-site is located in what could be considered the ‘front yard’ of this VA campus, therefore it is highly visible, especially as it sits in the middle of taller buildings which house important operations such as the ICU and other key offices. Our staff takes great pride when we hear accounts of patients and staff alike taking delight in watching the construction progress.

We would like to thank our project management team and subcontractors for their tireless efforts on this project!

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